How to get into your dream University in the U.S.A.?



Ever dreamed of sharing the same stage as Ivy League students or wondered about studying at USC and wearing its sweatshirt? If yes, then MOWE is here to give this flight a push to fulfil the desire of hundreds of students wanting to study in their dream university at the United States Of America. Given below are seven ways to ace the chances of selection and be ready to land:


1) Aptitude Test.


An Aptitude test plays a crucial role in securing admission at the desired University with the help of an upstanding scorecard. A student needs to prepare well in advance (at least three to four weeks prior) for the same. Preparation for any Aptitude test or competitive exam requires a lot of hard work, determination, dedication and patience.


“A dream does not become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.” ~ Colin Powell, former U.S. Defense Secretary


2) The right number of applications.


Many students usually are in a dilemma of deciding the ideal amount of application one should consider making when it comes to the States. After discussing it with a lot of international students, MOWE would recommend aspirants to apply in six universities at the maximum that too based on one’s profile. The reason for the same is that costing of an application comes at a high price, and it is not at all sensible to go bonkers.


3) Categorising universities.


Ideally, there are three ways to categorise these universities based on the quality of the application the University will launch:

    1. n
    1. Dream University – List two dream universities.


    1. Reach of the University – List two target universities based on the profile which includes Scores, SOP’s, LOR, Resume, details about Extra-Curricular activities, Social Work, and GMAT/SAT/ACT ranking.


    1. Safe Section- This should include accessible or fall back universities, which are a guarantee.



4) Exploring the Universities.


What one should search for while looking for a university should be based on the following factors:

    1. n
    1. Quality of Education.


    1. Professional Accreditation and other facilities of the course.


    1. The pool of faculties teaching at the University.


    1. Location of the Campus


    1. Job market or work environment offered after the course.


    1. The practical component of the course.


    1. Ranking of the course> Ranking of the University.



5)Timely Application.


Usually, the application for the U.S. is open a year before the commencement of the academic cycle. For example, for the fall of 2021, aspirants must start processing his/her application by the fall of 2020 to ensure a timely offer.


6) Apply for scholarships.


A timely application is directly proportional to having ample time to applying for various scholarship programs and being considered for them.


7) Accepting an offer.


What most students take for granted is ‘Accepting an offer’.There is a timeline associated with accepting the offer and also, early acceptance suggests a higher chance of landing a good scholarship. Kindly note that this, however, does not guarantee a scholarship but increases a student’s chances of scoring the scholarship being slightly higher than that of the others. Also, for the States, one can accept multiple offers and get multiple I20 forms but has a window to apply for a visa for one University only.


8) Filling the visa on time.


If everything is ready and decided, try to apply for a visa on time as getting an appointment is a time-consuming process, and they have a long waiting list. Another reason why it is better to apply on time is the cost of airfare. Do not wait too long to book tickets or might end up spending a hefty amount (At times costing to one lakh rupees).


Throughout this process, there might be anxiety about uncertainty and fear of failing but keep pushing to keep going. After all, we never know how close we are to succeeding if we quit then.


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