World Suicide Prevention Day is observed in September each year to promote worldwide action to prevent suicides. To create awareness on the same, MOWE in collaboration with Fortis Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences is organising a Webinar on ‘Mental Health of an International Student’, and would like to extend the invitation to all University students, Academicians and Parents. Over a while, our team has witnessed International students go through substantially higher levels of Mental pressure due to the new environment, different culture, language barriers along with homesickness and anxiety. The pressure passed onto them upon reaching a new country is high and even higher during the Pandemic outbreak. At such timespan, a student feels doomed, low on energy and trapped by a burden of their future. As a result, we at Team MOWE think that there is a dire need to create awareness about Mental Health and also, to be well versed with ‘Measures to cope up with Mental Health issues’.
The event will be conducted by Nishtha Narula, Lead- Counselling Psychologist, Fortis Healthcare. Fortis Healthcare Hospitals are amongst India’s Top leading and most prestigious hospitals, especially for ‘Mental Health’.