A Good Cover Letter




While planning the correct cover letter or one addressing the dutiful content might be a challenge, it is a game-changer. Even if a cover letter is not a part of your job/ University application requirement, it can certainly be a deal-breaker. Nevertheless, candidates’ most frequently asked question is ‘How to write a cover letter’?


There is so much conflicting advice; it’s hard to know where to start. We recently jotted a few points to focus on while planning a cover letter. This updated, end-to-end guide below will help you land a suitable job and secure a place at your dream University.


  1. Do Research – Find out details about the company/ University. Apart from screening through their respective websites, try following them on LinkedIn and interacting with people working/ studying in the same space.
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  3. Focus on the future– Cover Letter plays a crucial part in bridging your past with future goals. Because of the pandemic, millions of people have voluntarily or involuntarily gone through a career shift. The Cover letter is a suitable space to explain the career shift, also setting an opportunity to sell your transferable skills.
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  5. Strong opening – Candidates typically rehash their Resume in a cover letter which is a giant red flag, putting the recruiter’s excitement to death. Starting with a strong opening sentence with why this job is exciting and what you’ll bring to the table can keep the recruiter glued to your application. Also, try not to be funny, as humor can be self-regarding.
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  7. Emphasis on personal values – Due to the pandemic, hiring teams or managers are looking for people who have problem-solving attitudes. Inferring from your earlier research at Step 01: Learning about the company, you can show what you bring to the table to ease off challenges. ,Adaptability and the ability to learn quickly are two skills relevant to almost any job right now: If you have brief examples demonstrating these skills, include those.
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  9. Enthusiasm conveys personality – 75% of the time, not getting hired is not because of ‘Lack of Skills’ but because of ‘Lack of Enthusiasm.’ A candidate has to make it seem like this is their dream job. So, your priority should be to stay clear on your reasons for applying for this job/ University.
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  11. Tone – Don’t go overboard with flattery. Even if you have been out of the job for months or have received a rejection from various Universities, being professional and mature is a good thumb rule. You may even take a draft review from your colleagues/ friends or family.
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  13. Keep it short – Keep is restricted to a page only. Do not go overbroad by adding the exact details mentioned in your Resume. A Good Cover Letter should be read at a glance.
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  15. Expert Feedback – It is a great way to check your focus point, story-telling, and summarization. Major red flags for the same are attuned desperation, overselling, over-modesty or underselling.
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If you’re who seek professional help, reach out to us rather than just declaring your Cover-letter belonging to the dustbin. If the online application doesn’t allow you to submit a cover letter, use the format you’re given to demonstrate your enthusiasm and ability to do the job or study at the University. You may even send a follow-up email containing your cover letter. This makes sure that your candidature has not been weeded out.

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